Monday, December 20, 2010

Art Poser

In Digital Design at Huntington North we had to design a poster for a certain class. We got the art class. So i designed my poster to have a lot of the designs on the poster, because i didn't want anyone to feel left out. And then i had to title and caption on it. I thought this project turned out cool. So i'm proud of it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


This is the design i made to try to make me look like a robot, It was designed for digital design at Huntington North. I  didn't really like this project. Mainly because im not into the whole robot stuff. But i didn't think i did that horrible of a job on it.  

Monday, December 13, 2010

Movie Poster.

This project is called Movie Poster because we were suppose to think of an idea for a movie and make the movie poster. So mine is about a stocker, because i wanted a horror movie and i thought this was the best idea. Because movie posters have ratings and everything i made mine pg13 because i thought because it was scary. I think the poster turned out pretty cool, i think it looks like a regular movie poster.